About me

In no way do I want to represent a political opinion or ideology with my controversial designs, let alone proselytize about them. The idea to create www.illuminati-shop.com was born at the end of 2022.

Twenty years earlier, I received a diagnosis. It was a profound experience that plunged me into the depths of my soul. But I did not give up. Step by step, I fought my way back to life and learned to live with my illness. Today I am grateful for this experience. It has made me strong and taught me to appreciate the little things in life.

Thinking is everything, knowledge is about believing. I have realized that the truth is not to be found in dogmas, religions or ideologies. I try to combine the power of symbolism with the unknown. Because I believe that for thousands of years we have never been able to talk and understand properly, neither with ourselves nor with other people. In symbolism I see a more interesting communication than the superficial babble of a large part of our society - messages, immortalized mystics and much more that stimulates the spirit of inquiry, nothing more and yet so much.

As a being who questions everything and a critic who analyzes everything down to the smallest detail, I have currently decided to connect and communicate with the magic of symbolism. Despite numerous signs and encounters in my life, I was negative and could not understand them. Now I am gradually recognizing the connections. An invisible force connects everything, even the inanimate. Even though I may never fully understand it, and I will continue to lie to myself, it is the only way for me to be in pure togetherness. A small, big feeling tells me that it is worth it.

"I believe that the truth we are always seeking is found in the unexplainable, that which cannot be put into words."


My clothing is designed to encourage people to be themselves and to walk their own path. It is an expression of my philosophy, which is based on self-determination and individuality.




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